
I swear, this is the only Christmas pie I’ll eat!

Active Ingredients:

1 9-inch ready pie crust

3.4 ounces of vanilla split second dessert mix

2 mugs of whipped covering, defrosted

1.5 mugs of eggnog

A pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon



In a tool dish, blend with each other the eggnog and dessert mix utilizing an electrical mixer till it enlarges.

Mix in a dashboard of nutmeg or cinnamon for a cheery taste.

Delicately fold in the whipped covering, making certain the blend comes to be cosy and acquires a light yellow shade.

Thoroughly spoon the blend right into the pie crust, smoothing the surface area with a spatula.

Cool the pie in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours, or ideally over night, till it establishes strongly.

This Velvety Eggnog Pie catches the vacation spirit in every bite, making it a fascinating enhancement to any type of joyful event. Whether you’re promoting a cherished custom or beginning a brand-new one, this pie is bound to be a favored amongst friends and family. So collect your liked ones, pleasure the wondrous minutes, and delight in the luscious, joyful joy of this amazing treat.

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